We offer Frozen Drink Machines for rent, including Frigo Granita and Oasis machines.
To operate the Frozen Drink Machine, use at least 10 quarts of pulp-free or particle-free liquid and add the liquid 2 hours prior to your event. This ensures that the machine reaches the proper temperature.
We offer a Margarita Mix (contains 64 8 oz. servings/bottle), a Pina Colada Mix (contains 40 8 oz. servings/bottle), and a Strawberry Daquiri/Margarita Mix (contains 40 8 oz. servings/bottle).
When adding alcohol to the mix, allow time for the mix to completely slush then add the alcohol.
- May need to add more time to slush after the alcohol is added.
- Adding the alcohol prior to slushing may add at least 2 additional hours of freezing time to your mix.
View the instructional video for operating the Frozen Drink Machine.